Report: Trump’s Truth Social Is an Even Bigger Humiliation Than His Other Business Failures


+++dropcapnnWhen we last [checked in]({: target=”_blank”} with Truth Social, the alternative social media network launched by **Donald Trump** after he was [booted]({: target=”_blank”} from Twitter and temporarily Facebook for inciting a violent insurrection, things were not going great.The February rollout had been [a predictable shitshow]({: target=”_blank”}, as would-be users were […]

Viktor Orban, Hungary’s authoritarian leader, has declared victory for a fourth consecutive term


Viktor Orban, Hungary’s authoritarian prime minister, declared victory in parliamentary elections on Sunday.This will be Orban’s fourth consecutive term as prime minister.The prime minister has a friendly relationship with Russian leader Vladimir Putin and was endorsed by Donald Trump.Sign up for our weekday newsletter, packed with original analysis, news, and […]

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