Month: December 2023
Yearender-China Focus: Chinese cities mobilize new technologies to spur improved development-Xinhua
BEIJING, Dec.31 (Xinhua) — Chinese cities are mobilizing in diversified ways in pursuit of high-quality development, but new technologies are a consistent choice and have already helped some explore smarter, greener and more innovative paths. Huangshi, an industrial city in central China’s Hubei Province, has reaped the benefits of intelligent […]
New beekeeping technology
New beekeeping technology What you need to know: – Bees like to settle near water towers where they can quench their thirst. – In the past, bee farmers have been using lemongrass oil to attract bees. Honeybees prefer where there is plenty of flower gardens, orchards and woodlands.However, climate change […]
Apple Watch X: All the Rumors So Far
The original Apple Watch was released in April 2015, and we are coming up on the 10th anniversary of Apple’s first wearable device.With such a landmark anniversary on the horizon, rumors are coalescing around a notable 10-year anniversary update that we could see in 2024 or 2025. Apple in 2017 […]
Soapbox: It’s Time For A Zelda 1 Remake, Please
Over the holiday season, we’re republishing select articles from Nintendo Life writers and contributors as part of our Best of 2023 series.Enjoy! Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they’ve been chewing over.Today, as TOTK anticipation increases to dangerous […]
These top TV picks are sure to make you gameday MVP – Good Morning America
Football season is back! And that may be the perfect excuse for a new TV. When making a large investment purchase, many questions may come to mind.That’s why “Good Morning America” lifestyle contributor Lori Bergamotto is helping break down everything you need to know about the difference between OLED and […]
How to Find Which WordPress Theme a Site Is Using
Have you ever wanted to find out which WordPress theme a site is using? Readers often ask us to help them find the name of a theme they’ve seen on someone else’s website.This allows them to use exactly the same theme on their own WordPress website. In this article, we […]
How to Remove Unused CSS in WordPress (The Right Way)
Do you want to remove unused CSS in WordPress so that your site will load faster? Unused CSS is any CSS code added by your WordPress theme or plugins that you don’t really need.Removing this CSS code improves WordPress performance and the user experience. In this article, we will show […]
The world’s rarest diseases
The world’s rarest diseases — and how they impact everyone 505,126 views | Anna Greka | TED2023 • April 2023 Physician-scientist Anna Greka investigates the world’s rarest genetic diseases, decoding the secrets of our cells through “molecular detective work.” She explains how her team is using new, advanced technology to […]
Jennifer Doudna: CRISPR’s next advance is bigger than you think
CRISPR’s next advance is bigger than you think 1,160,556 views | Jennifer Doudna | TED2023 • April 2023 You’ve probably heard of CRISPR, the revolutionary technology that allows us to edit the DNA in living organisms.Biochemist and 2023 Audacious Project grantee Jennifer Doudna earned the Nobel Prize for her groundbreaking […]