How to Transfer GTA 5 and GTA Online Saves to PS5 and Xbox Series X
Amid some new details about the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S versions of GTA V and GTA Online shared this week, Rockstar Games also confirmed an exciting bit of news: Players can go ahead and start the process of transferring over their save data right now.This means that once the new versions of GTA Online and GTA V are available, you’ll be able to quickly get started on the newer platforms and take advantage of all of the new features to compliment everything you’ve already done.
Because one is a single-player story mode game and the other is an online world with optional in-game purchases, however, the process of transferring saves and other profile info differs depending on which game you’re playing.To help with that, we’ve broken down below how and when you’re able to transfer your GTA V and GTA Online progress.
How to Transfer GTA V Save Data
While GTA Online is the big draw that keeps players coming back to the game, you don’t want to leave your GTA V progress behind either when you make the move to the new versions of the game.To start doing so, you’ll need to make sure you’ve got a Rockstar Games Social Club account handy.
If you’ve got that, you can go ahead and start uploading your GTA V save data now.All you have to go is load into GTA V on whatever console you’re playing on now before going to the “Game” tab within the pause menu.You’ll see the “Upload Save Game” option there which will ensure your save is kept within Rockstar’s cloud save platform for 90 days which should give you plenty of time to download it on the newer consoles since the updated versions of the games come out on March 15th.
How to Transfer GTA Online Progress
GTA Online players won’t have to leave their criminal empires behind on the [PlayStation](/category/playstation-generic/) 4 or [Xbox](/category/xbox/) One consoles either come March 15th.Those players will also be able to migrate their progress over to the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X|S whenever the newer versions of the games release.That includes any characters you’ve made, your stats, all the vehicles, properties, weapons, and customizations you’ve acquired, and, most importantly, your bank of GTA$.
However, you can’t start doing so until then.
Rockstar announced no option to start moving over your GTA Online progress until March 15th, but it’ll apparently happen “upon loading up the game,” so it sounds like an easy enough process.
One caveat to keep in mind is that you can only transfer purchased GTA$ to the newer console of the same family, so Xbox One can only be moved to Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 4 can only be moved to PlayStation 5.Any GTA$ you earned in-game “will transfer regardless of platform.”
GTA V and GTA Online will come to the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S ocnsoles starting on March 15th..