Computational lithography: Driving nanometer precision in microchip manufacturing | ASML


imageComputational lithography: Driving nanometer precision in microchip manufacturing | ASMLWhat does it take to print billions of transistors with nanometer precision? It’s a joint effort, one that brings together both hardware and software to produce the microscopic circuitry for today’s advanced microchips.Our computational lithography software is powered by physical models and algorithms enabled by cutting-edge machine learning and data science techniques.From early design to high-volume manufacturing, it lets us use our unique knowledge about the inner workings of lithography systems to optimize the chip patterning process.Layer by layer, chip by chip, wafer by wafer, computational lithography is enabling chipmakers to push microchip technology to new limits.Learn more about computational lithography: Dive into our nano world and follow us on social media: Facebook: Instagram: X: LinkedIn: Or visit our website:

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