Another XP glitch has fallen through for Fortnite players to exploit to arise in Chapter 3’s Battle Pass and obtain Battle Stars for the exclusive loot at the end of the road.Several glitches have sprouted up in Chapter 3 for those who want to soar through the levels as quickly as possible.
XP glitches are great ways to farm tons of experience in one sitting, but Epic Games usually patches them in a short period of time after their discovery.Here’s the latest one found by a YouTuber that rewards thousands of XP in under a minute.
XP Glitch in Chapter 3 gives Fortnite players thousands of experience with little effort
Like many of these glitches, players need to start in the Creative Hub and head over to one of the consoles to type in a certain map code.Once there, type in the code: 3794-8637-4359.This will take players to the correct version of the Fortnite map named ‘Pro FFA Arena.’
Start the game in a private match, walk out of the starting area, and head to the central structure labeled ‘Safe Area.’ Look for the wall with a poster with the words ‘Empty Lobby?’ on it, and then find the button next to the door on the same wall that says ‘Press if exit is blocked.’
Climb on top of this button with a little effort, and jump onto the ledge above afterward.
Carefully walk on the ledge towards the big ‘Store’ icon on the adjacent wall.Once there, simply perform one singular emote to be teleported into a secret area in this Fortnite map.
In this secret area, players need to press the button that says ‘Claim reward’ for their troubles, and passive XP will start flowing through.
There’s another glitch inside this map as well.Back in the ‘Safe Area,’ head into the Store area itself.
Inside of this room, find the Snipers Vending Machines.Hop on top of them and carefully walk to the corner to the left.
Inside the corner, emote one more time, and Fortnite players will be sent to a similar secret area to claim more passive XP.
These glitches appear to stack with one another, so both can be done simultaneously.Try out these XP farming methods before they are patched to fly through the Chapter 3 Battle Pass..