How Much Do Our Wardrobes Cost to the Environment?


How much did you pay for the clothes in your closet? If you have the receipts, you can calculate this.However, there is a cost behind each dress, pair of jeans, shirt, and sock that goes unnoticed by most people: the cost to the environment. According to figures from the [United […]

Microfluidic-assisted Biomineralization of Calcium Phosphate: Enhancing Particle Design for Medical and Therapeutic Applications


Calcium phosphate (CaP) polymorphs are non-toxic and biocompatible, making them intriguing for a variety of applications, including hard tissue regeneration, medicine delivery, and vaccine development.Investigating the mechanism of calcium phosphate nucleation and development is critical for understanding disorders caused by pathological mineralization and developing biomimetic materials with suitable properties.The current […]

F90D – Overview


Get up to speed faster and smarter in your new role Transitions are vulnerable times.When you’re a leader taking on a new role, your early actions have a decisive impact on your success or failure.In addition, transitioning today can be even more complex given the new possibilities of working virtually.How […]

Hillary Victor- Read all stories from Hillary Victor | Hindustan Times


Hillary Victor is a Special Correspondent at Chandigarh.He covers Chandigarh administration, municipal corporation and all political parties.Articles by Hillary Victor [46% Chandigarh employee transfers reversed in past two years](/cities/chandigarh-news/46-chandigarh-employee-transfers-reversed-in-past-two-years-101731872735531.html) A senior official from the Chandigarh administration explained that as per the transfer policy, employees who are due to retire within […]

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